DHI Hair Transplant in Turkey - PeaktopHealth - Medical Tourism in Turkey, Treatment abroad
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DHI Hair Transplant
In Turkey

In this technique, as in FUE, the grafts are loosened using a micro motor. Then the hair follicles are collected one by one with micro punches, then double, triple and single hair follicles are separated into separate groups and kept in a special solution. The purpose of this is to preserve the vitality of the hair follicles. After all these steps, the hair follicles are placed in Choi pens, a special pen, and transplanted one by one to the balding area. One of the most important advantages of this method is that thanks to the Choi pen, there is no need to open a channel and the hair is placed in the opened channel at the same time. In this way, the transplantation process time is slightly shorter and the time the hair follicles stay outside is reduced. This contributes positively to the success of hair transplantation. Another important advantage is that other hairs do not need to be shaved in the transplantation area.  

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DHI Hair Transplant

In the first step, the patient is picked up from the airport with our VIP transfer vehicle and placed in the hotel. In the second step, the patient is examined by the relevant doctor. The patient is informed about the surgery by the doctor here. In the third step, necessary blood tests are performed. The patient is asked to sign the consent form for the surgery. The patient who has gone through all these stages is now ready for the surgery.

After resting in the hotel for a few days, the patient is returned to their country with the return transfer to the airport after the final doctor check-up.

For more detailed information, please contact our consultants for free!

Hair Transplant Cost

The team that performs the procedure, the presence or absence of a doctor who specializes in hair transplantation at the head of the team, the popularity of the hospital where the procedure is performed, the method that is used to perform the hair transplant, and the additional services that are offered to the patient in conjunction with hair transplantation are some of the factors that go into determining the final cost of the procedure.

Patients Stories

You can view the patient stories in the gallery section.


1. Free Health Consultation
- Understanding the patient's needs 

- Creating roadmaps of solutions for patients

2. Patient Health Condition Assessment:

- Begin by reviewing the patient's medical history and current health status.

- Ask the patient about any previous surgeries or illnesses they have had.

3. Pre-Surgery Photography:

- Take several photos of the patient before the surgery.

- Ensure the photos clearly show the area of the body that will be undergoing the surgery.

- Label each photo with the patient's name and date.

4. Information Safety:

- Store the patient's medical history and photos securely, following all relevant regulations and laws.

- Ensure the patient's privacy is protected at all times by only accessing their information when necessary and by keeping it confidential.


Hotel accommodation, medication fees, blood tests and vip transfer are included in our package. If you need more information on packages, get in touch for a free consultation. Contact us now.


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Easy Test

Our expert doctors will ask some questions about your medical history. Contact us for free medical consultation. 

About Us

Peaktophealth is a health center which founded by Operator Dr. Simsek who has been servicing for people's health more than 20 years in this profession. PTH based in Istanbul / Turkey with our professional surgeon team. 


Hair Transplant Overview

Operation DHI Hair Transplant Surgery
Time 8-9 Hour
Stay Minimum 3 Days
Anesthesia Local Anesthesia
Recovery 5-7 Days
Results Lasting for Life

What are the Pros and Cons of DHI Hair Transplantation?

    After hair transplantation, patients should strictly follow the recommendations of the hair transplant specialist.
    They should use the medications given properly.
    Hair washing should be done with non-pressurized and warm water with very gentle manipulations in accordance with the hair washing training given to them for at least one month.
    Activities that may cause excessive sweating should be avoided for a month.
    Avoid prolonged exposure to the sun, and if necessary, use appropriate hats for this situation.
    Smoking should be avoided for at least one month.

What are the Pros and Cons of DHI Hair Transplantation?

What are the features of the pens (implanter pens) used in DHI?

    One of the most important advantages of this method is that thanks to the choi pen, both the canal is opened and the hair is placed in the opened canal at the same time without the need for additional canal opening.

What are the features of the pens (implanter pens) used in DHI?


How is Dhi Hair Transplantation done?

    In this technique, as in FUE, the grafts are loosened by using a micro motor, then the hair follicles are collected one by one with micro punches, then double, triple and single hair follicles are separated into separate groups and kept in a special solution, the purpose of which is to preserve the vitality of the hair follicles taken. After all these stages, the hair follicles are placed in choi pens, a special pen, and transplanted one by one to the balding area.

How is Dhi Hair Transplantation done?
Advantages of DHI Hair Transplant in Turkey

DHI Hair Transplant in Turkey is a cost-effective, safe and reliable hair restoration method that offers several advantages. It is minimally invasive with minimal downtime, making it suitable for those who want to restore their hair without undergoing a lengthy surgery. Additionally, it is a cost-effective option and performed by experienced surgeons using the latest techniques and technologies.

Who is suitable for a Dhi Hair Transplantation?

Any healthy individual over the age of 18 who has thinning or balding hair but who does not have any systemic disease that may cause this, who has hair follicles in the donor area sufficient to fill the bald or thinned area, is a suitable candidate for hair transplantation. (Same in all hair transplantation techniques)

Things to Know After Dhi Hair Transplantation

Hair transplantation is a medical procedure used to restore an individual's hair. It has become a popular solution for hair loss and baldness, and many people are now opting for a hair transplant to restore their hair. While the procedure is relatively straightforward and mostly safe, there are still some things to know after a hair transplant to ensure the best results.
1. Take Care of Your Scalp
Your scalp will be sensitive after the hair transplant, so it’s important to take good care of it. Avoid direct sunlight, avoid rubbing or scratching, and be gentle when washing your hair. In addition, use a mild shampoo and avoid blow drying your hair or using any hot tools.
2. Follow Post-Procedure Instructions
Your doctor will provide you with post-procedure instructions, including what medications to take, how to care for the transplanted area, and when to expect the results. Make sure to follow these instructions closely to ensure the best results from your hair transplant.
3. Avoid Styling Products
It’s important to avoid styling products, such as gels, sprays, and mousse, for at least a few months after your hair transplant. This will give your newly transplanted hair time to settle in and start growing.


DHI (Direct Hair Implantation) is a hair transplant technique where individual hair follicles are directly implanted into the scalp without creating incisions or stitches, using a special tool called the Choi Implanter Pen.

No, the donor hair used in DHI hair transplantation will not grow back as the follicles are removed from the back of the scalp, leaving a permanent loss in the donor area.

No, DHI hair transplant is not painful as local anesthesia is used to numb the treatment area, ensuring a comfortable and painless experience for the patient.

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