Leg Lift Aesthetics in Turkey - PeaktopHealth - Medical Tourism in Turkey, Treatment abroad
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What Is
Leg Lift ?

Leg lift aesthetics, also known as leg contouring, is a popular cosmetic procedure that helps to sculpt and reshape the legs. It is a minimally invasive procedure that can be used to improve the appearance of the thighs and calves. It works by removing excess fat and skin, and tightening and lifting the tissues to give the legs a more toned and youthful look. Leg lift aesthetics is a great way to enhance the look of your legs without having to undergo surgery. The procedure can be done in a single session and does not require a lengthy recovery period. It can reduce the appearance of cellulite, stretch marks, and other blemishes, and help to contour the legs for a more toned look. The procedure begins with a consultation with a plastic surgeon who will assess your legs and create a personalized treatment plan. During the procedure, the surgeon will use a small incision to access the underlying tissues and remove fat and skin. The tissues will then be tightened and lifted to create a more contoured look.  

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Leg Lift Aesthetics

In the first step, the patient is picked up from the airport with our VIP transfer vehicle and placed in the hotel. In the second step, the patient is examined by the relevant doctor. The patient is informed about the surgery by the doctor here. In the third step, necessary blood tests are performed. The patient is asked to sign the consent form for the surgery. The patient who has gone through all these stages is now ready for the surgery.

After resting in the hotel for a few days, the patient is returned to their country with the return transfer to the airport after the final doctor check-up.

For more detailed information, please contact our consultants for free!

Patients Stories

You can view the patient stories in the gallery section.

Our Clinic

Dr. Simsek has been improving the appearance of people wanting to change their facial features for over a decade. At Peaktophealth, a top clinic for facial plastic surgery in Istanbul / Turkey. Dr. Simsek specializes in hair transplantation, facelift, nose surgeries, botox, and more. With experience from treating numerous patients, he has developed exceptional skills and knowledge that have helped his clinic grow.


1. Free Health Consultation
- Understanding the patient's needs 

- Creating roadmaps of solutions for patients

2. Patient Health Condition Assessment:

- Begin by reviewing the patient's medical history and current health status.

- Ask the patient about any previous surgeries or illnesses they have had.

3. Pre-Surgery Photography:

- Take several photos of the patient before the surgery.

- Ensure the photos clearly show the area of the body that will be undergoing the surgery.

- Label each photo with the patient's name and date.

4. Information Safety:

- Store the patient's medical history and photos securely, following all relevant regulations and laws.

- Ensure the patient's privacy is protected at all times by only accessing their information when necessary and by keeping it confidential.


Hotel accommodation, medication fees, blood tests and vip transfer are included in our package. If you need more information on packages, get in touch for a free consultation. Contact us now.


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Easy Test

Our expert doctors will ask some questions about your medical history. Contact us for free medical consultation. 

About Us

Peaktophealth is a health center which founded by Operator Dr. Simsek who has been servicing for people's health more than 20 years in this profession. PTH based in Istanbul / Turkey with our professional surgeon team. 

Simple Procedure

1. Free Health Consultation
- Understanding the patient's needs 

- Creating roadmaps of solutions for patients

2. Patient Health Condition Assessment:

- Begin by reviewing the patient's medical history and current health status.

- Ask the patient about any previous surgeries or illnesses they have had.

3. Pre-Surgery Photography:

- Take several photos of the patient before the surgery.

- Ensure the photos clearly show the area of the body that will be undergoing the surgery.

- Label each photo with the patient's name and date.

4. Information Safety:

- Store the patient's medical history and photos securely, following all relevant regulations and laws.

- Ensure the patient's privacy is protected at all times by only accessing their information when necessary and by keeping it confidential.


Plastic Surgery Overview

Operation Leg Lift Surgery
Time 2-3 Hour
Stay Minimum 8 Days
Anesthesia General Anesthesia
Recovery 7-9 Days
Results Lasting for Life

Australia - Andrina Huber

Ich hatte Probleme mit meinen Beinen und entschied mich dafür, mich operieren zu lassen. Ich habe nach langer Recherche angefangen, mit der Backtohealth Clinic zu sprechen und sie ausgewählt, weil Sara die aussagekräftigste war. Dank der Backtohealth Clinic war der gesamte Prozess einwandfrei ????????????????❤️❤️ Vielen Dank für Ihre Fürsorge ✨

How Are Aesthetic Leg Surgeries Performed?

    Leg Lift: This surgery is performed under general anesthesia or local anesthesia. In small sagging in the groin area, the sagging skin can be treated by collecting it in the groin area and hiding it under the skin, while in larger sagging, an incision is made from the upper line of the groin to the inner side of the leg, and the loosened skin is cut and removed, and then the skin is sutured back to each other. A drain is placed to prevent blood and fluid accumulation under the skin and this drain is removed after the surgery.

    Leg liposuction: A surgeon will use a small tube to suction out fat from the legs. This technique is especially useful for removing stubborn fat deposits that are resistant to diet and exercise. It can also be used to reduce the appearance of cellulite.

How Are Aesthetic Leg Surgeries Performed?

What is the purpose of Leg Lift Aesthetics

    The sole purpose of the thigh lift is to cut the sagging thigh skin for various reasons and after cutting the excess and sagging skin, the skin is sewn back together and the result is an aesthetically tense and dynamic thigh.

What is the purpose of Leg Lift Aesthetics


Who Can Benefit from Leg Lift Aesthetics?

    Leg lifts are a popular cosmetic procedure that can help people achieve a more youthful, toned look in their lower body. The procedure is typically done to tighten and tone the skin on the front and back of the legs, and can be used to address a variety of aesthetic concerns. From sagging skin to varicose veins and other issues, leg lifts can help individuals feel more confident and attractive in their body.
    But who can benefit from leg lift aesthetics? The answer is anyone who wants to improve the appearance of their lower body. Leg lifts can be used to enhance the shape and contours of the legs, reduce the appearance of cellulite, and tighten the skin. People who have lost a significant amount of weight may also find that leg lifts can help them to contour their body and achieve a more toned and youthful look.

Who Can Benefit from Leg Lift Aesthetics?
How much is a Leg Lift in Turkey ?

If you’re considering getting a leg lift, but are looking for an affordable option, then you may want to consider getting the procedure done in Turkey. Turkey has become a popular destination for medical tourism, offering many procedures at a fraction of the cost of what they would be in other countries. A leg lift in Turkey can cost anywhere from $2,000 to $6,000 depending on the complexity of the procedure and the individual clinic. There are depends of doctors and clinics, that was just example of price

What are Leg Lift Risks and Side Effects ?

Although complications are not expected very often, this operation still carries risks such as hematoma, infection, wound necrosis, embolism. As with any surgery, these risks can be minimized by an experienced doctor, a fully equipped hospital, a good pre-operative evaluation and a good post-operative care. Whatever the case, it should be kept in mind that no surgery is zero risk.

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