Liposuction in Turkey - PeaktopHealth - Medical Tourism in Turkey, Treatment abroad
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What Is

Liposuction is the process of removing excess fat tissues accumulated in certain parts of the body using various surgical techniques. Liposuction is not a weight loss method. However, it provides an additional weight loss depending on the amount of fat removed during the removal of excess fat accumulated in certain parts of the body to obtain an aesthetic body contour.  

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In the first step, the patient is picked up from the airport with our VIP transfer vehicle and placed in the hotel. In the second step, the patient is examined by the relevant doctor. The patient is informed about the surgery by the doctor here. In the third step, necessary blood tests are performed. The patient is asked to sign the consent form for the surgery. The patient who has gone through all these stages is now ready for the surgery.

After resting in the hotel for a few days, the patient is returned to their country with the return transfer to the airport after the final doctor check-up.

For more detailed information, please contact our consultants for free!

Liposuction Cost

The factors affecting the final cost of liposuction procedure include the team performing the procedure, the presence or absence of a specialist doctor, the reputation of the hospital, the liposuction technique used, and the additional services offered to the patient.

For further information, contact our consultants for free.

Patients Stories

You can view the patient stories in the gallery section.

Our Clinic

Dr. Simsek has been improving the appearance of people wanting to change their facial features for over a decade. At Peaktophealth, a top clinic for facial plastic surgery in Istanbul / Turkey. Dr. Simsek specializes in hair transplantation, facelift, nose surgeries, botox, and more. With experience from treating numerous patients, he has developed exceptional skills and knowledge that have helped his clinic grow.


1. Free Health Consultation
- Understanding the patient's needs 

- Creating roadmaps of solutions for patients

2. Patient Health Condition Assessment:

- Begin by reviewing the patient's medical history and current health status.

- Ask the patient about any previous surgeries or illnesses they have had.

3. Pre-Surgery Photography:

- Take several photos of the patient before the surgery.

- Ensure the photos clearly show the area of the body that will be undergoing the surgery.

- Label each photo with the patient's name and date.

4. Information Safety:

- Store the patient's medical history and photos securely, following all relevant regulations and laws.

- Ensure the patient's privacy is protected at all times by only accessing their information when necessary and by keeping it confidential.


Hotel accommodation, medication fees, blood tests and vip transfer are included in our package. If you need more information on packages, get in touch for a free consultation. Contact us now.


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Easy Test

Our expert doctors will ask some questions about your medical history. Contact us for free medical consultation. 

About Us

Peaktophealth is a health center which founded by Operator Dr. Simsek who has been servicing for people's health more than 20 years in this profession. PTH based in Istanbul / Turkey with our professional surgeon team. 


Plastic Surgery Overview

Operation Liposuction Surgery
Time 2-3 Hour
Stay Minimum 3 Days
General Anesthesia
General Anesthesia General Anesthesia
Recovery 5-7 Days
Results Lasting for Life

PTH ~ Patient Say

Monaelena2019 - Australia

Thx im very happy for my results!!! You are the best 😀❤️❤️❤️

For more success stories, visit our gallery.

Where On Your Body Can You Get Liposuction?

    Liposuction can be applied to any area where excess fat accumulates where diet and exercise do not produce results. The most commonly applied areas are: abdomen, waist, back, thighs, double chin, arms and legs.

Where On Your Body Can You Get Liposuction?

Who Is A Good Candidate For Liposuction?

    Liposuction can be performed on any healthy person who, despite diet and exercise, still has fat accumulation in certain areas of the body and who does not have any additional diseases that may pose a risk for surgery.

Who Is A Good Candidate For Liposuction?


What Is The Recovery Period After Liposuction?

    Liposuction is a popular cosmetic procedure that can help contour the body and reduce unwanted fat. The recovery period after liposuction can take anywhere from a few days to a few weeks, and it’s important to follow your surgeon’s instructions during this time.
    Immediately after the procedure, you’ll likely experience some swelling and bruising. This is normal and should subside within a few days. To reduce swelling, it’s important to wear your compression garment as directed by your doctor. You’ll also want to avoid strenuous activities and keep the area elevated when possible.
    Your doctor will give you specific instructions for how to take care of your incisions. This may include cleaning the area regularly and applying ointment to prevent infection. You may also be asked to avoid taking showers or baths for a few days and to limit your activities. In the weeks following your liposuction, you will likely experience some pain and sensitivity. This should eventually fade and you can slowly start to resume your normal activities. Depending on the extent of the procedure, you may need to wait several weeks before participating in strenuous activities such as running or swimming.

What Is The Recovery Period After Liposuction?
How Is Liposuction Surgery Done?

Liposuction is a cosmetic procedure used to remove fat from the body. It is most commonly used on areas such as the abdomen, thighs, and buttocks, but can also be used on the arms, neck, and face. The procedure is done under general anesthesia and involves inserting a cannula, or small tube, into the fatty area. The cannula is connected to a suction device, which is used to suck out the fat.
The surgeon begins by making small incisions in the area to be treated. Once the incisions are made, the cannula is inserted and moved back and forth to break up the fat cells. The fat cells are then suctioned out using the suction device. The cannula is then removed and the incisions are closed.
In some cases, the surgeon may use a technique called tumescent liposuction. This involves injecting a saline solution into the fatty area before the procedure begins. The solution helps to break up the fat cells and make them easier to remove.
Following the procedure, patients may experience some bruising, swelling, and pain. However, these side effects usually diminish after a few days. Patients are generally able to return to their normal activities within a few weeks.

What Are The Risks Of Liposuction?

Anesthesia Risks: This is minimized by prior tests and examination.
Infection: The risk of infection is very low thanks to the good application of sterility and antibiotics used in modern operating theater conditions.
Bruising: It is quite possible to have bruising in this operation, but it disappears completely spontaneously within 2-3 weeks.
Pain: Although there is pain after liposuction, this process is quite comfortable with the painkillers used.
Bleeding: Mostly very serious bleeding is not seen, but in case of excessive fat removal, blood transfusion may sometimes be required.
Embolism: Although at a very low rate, there is a risk of embolism in liposuction, as in every surgery, but this risk is minimized by early mobilization by dressing the patients in compression stockings and then using low-molecular heparin.

What Are Alternative Methods?

Alternative methods to liposuction provide individuals with a viable option to safely remove excess fat and improve their body shape. Liposuction is an invasive procedure that involves inserting a cannula, or a small tube, into the body to suction out fat cells. Alternative methods are typically non-invasive, offering a less risky and more affordable option than liposuction.
One alternative to liposuction is cryolipolysis. This method uses extreme cold to destroy fat cells, usually through a device that is applied to the skin. The cold temperature causes the fat cells to crystallize and eventually die. The dead fat cells are then eliminated from the body through natural metabolic processes. This method is often used to target unwanted fat on the abdomen, flanks, and thighs.
Another alternative method is laser-assisted liposuction. This is a less invasive procedure that uses laser energy to liquefy fat cells, which are then suctioned out of the body. This procedure is often used to target smaller, more stubborn areas of fat that are difficult to target with traditional liposuction.

Laser Liposuction

Laser liposuction is a minimally invasive procedure that uses laser energy to remove stubborn fat deposits from areas such as the stomach, thighs, arms, and chin. It is growing in popularity among people looking to slim down their waistline and get rid of stubborn fat that won’t budge with diet and exercise.
The procedure works by using a laser to heat up the fat cells and melt them away. The laser energy is delivered through a thin tube inserted into the affected area. The laser energy is attracted to the fat cells and breaks them apart. The liquefied fat is then suctioned out of the body.
The main advantage of laser liposuction is that it is less invasive than traditional liposuction. It requires only a small incision to be made, and there is no need for general anesthesia. Recovery time is also shorter and there is less risk of complications and scarring.
The procedure is also said to be more precise than traditional liposuction. Laser liposuction can be used to target specific areas of the body, allowing for more control and accuracy. This makes it ideal for those looking to target a specific area to slim down.

Vaser Liposuction

Vaser Liposuction is a relatively new and advanced form of liposuction that utilizes ultrasound technology to help remove excess fat from the body. It is a minimally invasive procedure that is designed to help those with localized fat deposits achieve their desired contour and shape.
Vaser Liposuction works by using ultrasound waves to cause the fat cells to rupture, allowing the fat to be removed from the body. The ultrasound waves also help to break down the fibrous tissue around the fat, making it easier to extract. This method is less invasive than traditional liposuction, as it does not require the use of suction or a tube to extract the fat. Additionally, Vaser liposuction provides a more even and smooth result than traditional liposuction.


Liposuction is not a treatment method used to treat sagging skin, and areas with loose skin such as abdomen, arms or legs may cause more sagging in the skin if liposuction is performed.

When it comes to liposuction, one of the most common questions patients have is whether or not the procedure will leave visible scars. The good news is that the answer is typically no - liposuction is a minimally-invasive procedure, and when done correctly by an experienced plastic surgeon, scars should be minimal and almost invisible.

The amount of fat that can be removed during liposuction is typically limited to five liters, or approximately 11 pounds, per treatment. However, this can vary depending on the specific area being treated and the patient’s overall health. For example, if the area being treated is relatively small, such as the chin or neck, then less fat may be able to be removed. Additionally, if the patient is in poor health, the amount of fat that can be removed may be limited to prevent any potential complications.

People often wonder how long the liposuction results last. The truth is that it depends on a number of factors. Generally speaking, liposuction results can last for years, but he needs to pay attention to his diet and do regular exercise to maintain the results.

The answer is no, liposuction is not a particularly painful procedure. While some patients may experience mild discomfort during the procedure, this is usually temporary and easily managed with local anesthesia or a sedative.

The amount of weight you can lose with liposuction depends on several factors, including the size of the area being treated, the amount of fat that needs to be removed, and your overall health. Generally, liposuction can remove up to 10 pounds of fat. It’s important to keep in mind, however, that liposuction isn’t a weight loss procedure.

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