Non Surgical Chin Aesthetics in Turkey - PeaktopHealth - Medical Tourism in Turkey, Treatment abroad
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What Is
Non Surgical Chin Aesthetics

In order to project the chin more forward and to make the jaw lines more prominent, the most commonly applied treatment method as non-surgical is chin filling and botox application to the masseter muscle. In addition, by using ultrasonic energy such as HIFU, the chin can be made more prominent by reducing these fats by applying them to the fat in the double chin area called double chin.

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Non Surgical Chin Aesthetics

In the first step, the patient is picked up from the airport with our VIP transfer vehicle and placed in the hotel. In the second step, the patient is examined by the relevant doctor. The patient is informed about the surgery by the doctor here. In the third step, necessary blood tests are performed. The patient is asked to sign the consent form for the surgery. The patient who has gone through all these stages is now ready for the surgery.

After resting in the hotel for a few days, the patient is returned to their country with the return transfer to the airport after the final doctor check-up.

For more detailed information, please contact our consultants for free!

Patients Stories

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Our Clinic

Dr. Simsek has been improving the appearance of people wanting to change their facial features for over a decade. At Peaktophealth, a top clinic for facial plastic surgery in Istanbul / Turkey. Dr. Simsek specializes in hair transplantation, facelift, nose surgeries, botox, and more. With experience from treating numerous patients, he has developed exceptional skills and knowledge that have helped his clinic grow.


1. Free Health Consultation
- Understanding the patient's needs 

- Creating roadmaps of solutions for patients

2. Patient Health Condition Assessment:

- Begin by reviewing the patient's medical history and current health status.

- Ask the patient about any previous surgeries or illnesses they have had.

3. Pre-Surgery Photography:

- Take several photos of the patient before the surgery.

- Ensure the photos clearly show the area of the body that will be undergoing the surgery.

- Label each photo with the patient's name and date.

4. Information Safety:

- Store the patient's medical history and photos securely, following all relevant regulations and laws.

- Ensure the patient's privacy is protected at all times by only accessing their information when necessary and by keeping it confidential.


Hotel accommodation, medication fees, blood tests and vip transfer are included in our package. If you need more information on packages, get in touch for a free consultation. Contact us now.


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Easy Test

Our expert doctors will ask some questions about your medical history. Contact us for free medical consultation. 

About Us

Peaktophealth is a health center which founded by Operator Dr. Simsek who has been servicing for people's health more than 20 years in this profession. PTH based in Istanbul / Turkey with our professional surgeon team. 


Plastic Surgery Overview

Operation Non-Surgical Chin Aesthetic
Time 1-2 Hour
Stay Minimum 1 Day
Anesthesia Local Anesthesia
Recovery 1-2 Day
Results 1 Year

How Does The Procedure Work

    Typically, filling or HIFU ultrasound energy techniques are used for non-surgical chin aesthetics. While the filling method contributes to the appearance of a more prominent chin and jaw lines by increasing the volume in the application area, the ultrasound energy used on the other hand tightens the skin in the application area and creates a lift effect, so that the chin and jaw lines become clear.

How Does The Procedure Work

Results And Key Benefits

    Thanks to non surgical chin aesthetics, the faded jaw lines of the person become prominent again and this situation provides some positive effects on the person, which primarily provides a natural appearance, increases the self-confidence of the person and protects the person from the risks of surgical methods since it is a minimally invasive method.

Results And Key Benefits


Non-Surgical Chin Aesthetics Side Effects And Contraindications

Although non surgical chin aesthetics has a very low risk rate, some serious complications may occur, although very rarely. First of all, problems such as mild oedema, mild bruising, pain in the application area, which can be seen in every case, disappear spontaneously within a few days, but some serious possible risks that are very rarely seen are infection nerve injury, The way to minimize such serious risks are allergic reactions to the filler used, the patients should be well evaluated and their medical history should be well questioned before the application, in addition, it is very important that the applied product is reliable and high quality as well as the practitioner being experienced. Non surgical aesthetic applications, which are considered to be quite safe, have some restrictive factors, for example, non surgical aesthetic applications should not be performed in patients with bleeding disorders, those who use blood thinners, those who are allergic to the substance to be applied, and those with active skin infections in the application area.


Non-surgical chin aesthetics is a great option for anyone who is looking to improve the appearance of their chin without undergoing surgery. This procedure is typically recommended for those who have a weak chin, or who want to add balance to their face. It is also suitable for those with asymmetry of the chin, or who have an overly prominent chin.

You may return to normal activities immediately after your Non-Surgical Chin Aesthetics procedure. However, you may experience some swelling and bruising that can last up to a week.

No, non-surgical chin aesthetics treatments are typically not painful and are considered to be relatively comfortable. Depending on the type of treatment being used, a numbing cream or local anesthetic may be used to make the experience more comfortable for the patient.

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