Stomach Botox in Turkey - PeaktopHealth - Medical Tourism in Turkey, Treatment abroad
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What Is
Stomach Botox

Stomach botox is applied as an auxiliary weight loss treatment in addition to diet and exercise for people who want to lose weight and have a BMI of 27 kg/m2 and above.Thanks to long-lasting satiety, patients consume less food, but for this method to be successful, it must be supported by diet and sports.

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Stomach Botox

In the first step, the patient is picked up from the airport with our VIP transfer vehicle and placed in the hotel. In the second step, the patient is examined by the relevant doctor. The patient is informed about the surgery by the doctor here. In the third step, necessary blood tests are performed. The patient is asked to sign the consent form for the surgery. The patient who has gone through all these stages is now ready for the surgery.

After resting in the hotel for a few days, the patient is returned to their country with the return transfer to the airport after the final doctor check-up.

For more detailed information, please contact our consultants for free!

Obesity Surgery Cost

The factors affecting the final cost of Obesity Surgery procedure include the team performing the procedure, the presence or absence of a specialist doctor, the reputation of the hospital, the Obesity Surgery technique used, and the additional services offered to the patient.

For further information, contact our consultants for free.

Patients Stories

You can view the patient stories in the gallery section.

Our Clinic

Dr. Simsek has been improving the appearance of people wanting to change their facial features for over a decade. At Peaktophealth, a top clinic for facial plastic surgery in Istanbul / Turkey. Dr. Simsek specializes in hair transplantation, facelift, nose surgeries, botox, and more. With experience from treating numerous patients, he has developed exceptional skills and knowledge that have helped his clinic grow.


1. Free Health Consultation
- Understanding the patient's needs 

- Creating roadmaps of solutions for patients

2. Patient Health Condition Assessment:

- Begin by reviewing the patient's medical history and current health status.

- Ask the patient about any previous surgeries or illnesses they have had.

3. Pre-Surgery Photography:

- Take several photos of the patient before the surgery.

- Ensure the photos clearly show the area of the body that will be undergoing the surgery.

- Label each photo with the patient's name and date.

4. Information Safety:

- Store the patient's medical history and photos securely, following all relevant regulations and laws.

- Ensure the patient's privacy is protected at all times by only accessing their information when necessary and by keeping it confidential.


Hotel accommodation, medication fees, blood tests and vip transfer are included in our package. If you need more information on packages, get in touch for a free consultation. Contact us now.


Reviews can be examined from the main page.

Easy Test

Our expert doctors will ask some questions about your medical history. Contact us for free medical consultation. 

About Us

Peaktophealth is a health center which founded by Operator Dr. Simsek who has been servicing for people's health more than 20 years in this profession. PTH based in Istanbul / Turkey with our professional surgeon team. 


Obesity Surgery Overview

Operation Stomach Botox
Time 1 Hour
Stay Minimum 1 Day
Anesthesia Local Anesthesia
Recovery 1 Day
Results 4-6 Months

How Is Stomach Botox Applied?

    By applying botulinium toxin to various points of the stomach with endoscopic method under sedation anesthesia, the stomach muscles are temporarily paralyzed and the passage of stomach contents to the intestine is slowed down, and patients feel full for longer than normal.

How Is Stomach Botox Applied?

When Does The Effect Of Stomach Botox Begin?

    The effects of stomach botox can begin as soon as the procedure is finished. Results may be seen within days, but it can take up to a few weeks to see the full effects.

When Does The Effect Of Stomach Botox Begin?


Are There Any Side Effects Of Stomach Botox?

    Problems such as stomach pain, nausea, vomiting, constipation, diarrhea and headache can be seen frequently after stomach botox, but in some cases, we may encounter more serious complications, such as difficulty swallowing, difficulty breathing, severe chest pain, hoarseness or voice change, which may require emergency treatment.

Are There Any Side Effects Of Stomach Botox?
Recovery & Diet After Stomach Botox

It is aimed to lose 10-20 kilos on average. However, for this effect, it must be supported with sports and diet. You can go home 2 hours after stomach botox is applied, and start work the next day. After botox, you will not have any complaints such as stomach pain, nausea and vomiting. One week after stomach botox is applied, it starts to take effect and you start to lose weight a month later.

Who Is Suitable For Stomach Botox?

Gastric botox is an auxiliary weight loss method for patients who want to lose weight but cannot lose the desired weight with diet or exercise, but it must be supported by exercise and diet in order to be effective.


It is not recommended to apply botox during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Although there is no FDA approval on this subject and there are no published scientific articles on its effectiveness.

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